I’m a dinosaur.
I’m from a different time. I have different values. I feel like a square peg in a round hole.
I look around me and I see a world in which too many people are thinking only of themselves.
And I hate it.
Perhaps I’m wrong, but I feel as though there has to be a better way.
I come from a world of respect, of caring, of trusting, of discipline and I don’t recognize the way most people feel that it’s their divine right to do what they want, when they want, and if they don’t like it, start witch hunts against anyone who doesn’t fit their sensibilities.
I don’t like so much that I see going on.
Perhaps I’m naive, but there has to be a simpler, better way.
One in which we can respect people’s different opinions and not get bent out of shape. Where we can learn to be nicer to each other. Where we can conduct ourselves with greater decorum.
I may be called old-fashioned but I don’t think I’m alone. I think people, and not just my age group are thinking that the balance has gone too far in the other way.
That perhaps it’s time for a reset. But it starts with us.
I’m going to continue to live my life following those values I was brought up with. To treat people the way I want to be treated. To be nice. To work hard. To be of good charaacter.
I know I can rant and rave, and I do, but I don’t set out to upset people. I’m not underhanded. I try to conduct myself in a certain way.
I try to be open and honest in the way I portray myself. I’d like to think that what you see is what you get with me.
I’m not faultless, I know that.
I know I can be selfish. I know I have a certain way of doing things. I know I have strong opinions on what’s right is right.
But I’m also open-minded enough to be willing to learn from others. I know I’m not the finished article and never will be.
However, in saying that, there are ethics I live by and lines I will not cross.
And this is pretty much true of me. For me to fall out with you, it’s going to take something you’ve done to make it happen.
You see, I not only listen to what you say, but I watch your actions. And those actions tell me pretty much all I need to know. I watch and I take note.
I’m not going to like everyone, that’s only natural, but I’m not going to be the one undermine you. It’s not my style. I'm also aware enough to realise that not everyone is going to like me.
I’m not going to get jealous if you move on in life. If you move on past me doing something I’ve been planning to do, I’m more likely to be mad at me for not getting on and doing it. But at the same time I’ll applaud you.
You see, if you move on, you become an example to others. You become a beacon to people like me. You become the inspiration to many people who hope. You can be the catalyst for the person who wants more out of life to say to themselves, “That’s it, I’m gonna do it! If they can, I can!”
I believe a rising tide raises all ships.
I believe we need that reset. I think that we can do better.
I believe we can be the guiding light. We’ve just got to go out there and be the example.
And to be honest, you don’t have to move mountains. Being nice, being caring and being thoughtful is just the start. I’m pretty sure that doing so will give people a whole new perspective about you.
And I believe it can be the foundations upon which we can all build a better life.
You see, at the end of the day, what you have isn’t important. We can all have. And to be honest, people couldn’t care less what you have.
But who you are...that’s what it’s about.
That’s the mark you leave in this world.
Yes, my thinking is old-fashioned and it’s naive. But I truly believe it’s better than wanting everything your own way and being bitter if you don’t get it.
And I expect I feel better about myself because of it too.
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