Saturday, 5 December 2020

The innocence of 60s & 70s Variety TV

Back on my nostalgic trip - I know you couldn't do anything like the Black & White Minstrel show in this day and age, but I find myself wishing we still had variety shows like these back in the 60s and 70s.

It seems to me that shows like this from a bygone age were full of talented performers. I'm listening to my Dad's LP and remembering the work that went into producing those shows.
Different sets for each song. Each section a different theme. I know the songs were old even then, but I still find myself singing along.
Perhaps I just like them because they remind me of being sat on the floor in front of the telly, eating sweets, drinking cherryade and feeling the warmth of my family around me.
I recall shows like this being on the telly over Christmas - a circus on the telly in the afternoon.
Today's telly just doesn't match up for me.
Things have moved on over the years but the innocence of a bygone time still resonates with me.
I know I wear rose-tinted glasses when I look back but I suppose that was because I had no cares and woes then.
Mind you, I'm glad I'm not my Dad's remote control anymore!

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