I’d like to think of myself as a caring man, someone who doesn’t go out of his way to upset others, who for the most part is happy to keep himself to himself.
I’m not one who craves to be the centre of attention, who wants to be the big ‘I am,’ or needs everyone to think the same way I do.
And I don’t tell everyone what they should do – after all, it's not as though I'm perfect is it?
I judge people only by a couple of criteria – whether they’re an arsehole or not! That’s it.
I watch – and people’s actions tell me all I need to know. I’ve been around long enough to know that I can spot a ‘wrong ‘un’ by their actions. I don’t need to have other’s opinions shoved down my throat.
And taking that a stage further, I’ve realised that we’re all different people to different people.
I have friends who can’t stand the sight of each other. That’s their problem. I can be friends with both (as long as I’m not involved in their situation). I’ll still be friends with both until one of them does something that I personally don’t agree with (but that will be my decision, not anyone else’s).
However, I’m getting sick to the back teeth of being told what to do by a pious bunch of people who have the temerity to think that they know what’s good for the world. And God help you if you don’t agree.
My Dad used to tell me to "be careful what you wish for" and it seems to be apt right now. PC-ness has gone beserk.
Mention that you’re proud of your country and you’re looked down on. Put a British flag up (which I’ve not really felt the need to) and you’re a racist. How daft is that?
I don’t think I’ve ever read an Enid Blyton book. But because people think they know better, I’m now being told not to. Oh, grow up! I can distinguish between what was allowed in days gone by and what is not 'de rigeur' today. And what's more, I'm grown up enough to read it and take it as being from a time left behind, without being affected by it.
I’m an adult – I have my own mind. I don’t need a pompous bunch of do-gooders to tell me what not to do.
Remember when our parents told us not to do something and it made us want to do it more? Well, that’s exactly how I feel now.
I’ve not watched GB news. I’ve not watched any of the other news stations either.
My opinion is that they all push their own agenda. But this uproar over a news channel that’s not even a week old makes me want to see what all the fuss is about.
That people are attacking the advertisers makes me worry for the future.
If cancel culture takes over, we’re all in for a rough ride. This group of people believe they know what’s best for you. They plan to make sure that nothing bad is going to be in front of your eyes. They’re going to protect you from yourself.
Succumb to it and you’re no more than a grown-up child needing new ‘parents’ to protect you.
Twitter is a cesspit inhabited by spiteful people, some masquerading as the enlightened. I’m not sure Facebook is far behind. Week by week we’re being told what to like, what not to like. And I’m sick of it.
As far as I’m concerned, these people, if they get their way will become a new dictatorship – you’ll be told what you can like and what you can’t. Who you can shop with and who you can’t. Who is to be ostracised and who’s not. Oops, they're already doing that! God help you if you disagree.
I hate this. When was it decided that we all needed to be protected from ourselves by these self-appointed judges of good and evil?
I’m lucky, I was brought up by decent parents and surrounded by a level-headed independent family and friends. They raised me to be able to make decisions that fit my morals and ethics. they helped me to learn to think for myself.
I don’t need to be told what’s good for me by a bunch of agitating strangers. If I need advice, there are plenty of people I respect much more. I’ll go to them thanks.
But... in these times we’re living in, I’ve thought of a wonderful business opportunity. Does anybody want to be partners in a human-size cotton wool production company.
We should be able to make a fortune selling to everyone who needs to be wrapped and protected from the nasties!
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