My Internet had played up on and off since November last year when I received a new hub.
After no end of problems, the hub, which we thought was playing up, doesn't seem to be the problem.
Back in the winter, we had telephone engineers come to my home and test to make sure the problem wasn't inside the house. It wasn't.
They couldn't find where the cable came into the house, but went along the path at the back of our garden and found a linking cable problem that solved the situation.
We had the same problem flare up a few months ago, and after I made a complaint, a really good customer service representative chased it all up and after a fortnight, it was up and running again.
A few weeks ago, we started losing the Internet connection again on a regular basis every day. Once again, I made a complaint, asked for the same representative to be involved. However, it appears he has moved on.
The new customer service person has really tried to go out of their way to help, even as far as sending me a new hub. We did get to thinking it was the hub that had been delivered in November as before installing it, we'd had seven years of trouble-free Internet access.
The new hub worked perfectly for six hours and then the old problems kept showing up again.
The CS person wondered whether it was because we had over 6 devices on the system (PCs, Internet Radios, phones etc). I said that we'd always had the same amount and never had a problem before.
Yesterday, I decided it was time for me to become Hercule Poirot and see if I could hunt for clues.
I started checking speeds when I was in the office - twice during the time I was there the speed dipped from 19mbps to as little as 0.05 mbps.
Today has been even worse. It's 11.19 as I write this and it's done the same thing four times for periods lasting up to 25 minutes.
It leads me to believe that the problem could once again be along the path at the back of our house.
I just need them to call me back so that I can send screenshots of all the problems I've found so that maybe, we may finally get something done!
This is the reason, many of you may have noticed that I haven't been online over the last month or so.
I just hope we may finally be getting closer to finding the cause.
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