Wednesday, 7 October 2020

About my 'little things'...

I’ve been thinking about what I want this blog to be and to explain the name of it to you.

‘James Murphy’s Little Things’ is actually a name I gave to my Instagram account just after I’d had my kidney removed prior to Christmas 2016.

Some of you will recall that in November that year, after having a scan for something totally different, doctors spotted a lump the size of a large lemon on my left kidney. There was a period of 8-10 days when I didn’t know what the lump was, what my situation would be, or even if I was going to be around long enough to see my next birthday.

It was, without doubt, the scariest situation of my life and it turned my world upside down. The upshot of it was that the ‘lodger’ was removed along with my kidney and I have since made a full recovery.

However, it did change my whole outlook on life, and I realised that I should, perhaps, pay more attention to the little things in life. As Kitty Kallen sang in her chart-topping, 1954 hit song, ‘Little Things Mean A Lot.’

And so, my Instagram became the place where I’d post the ‘little things’ that made a difference in my life.

As much as I love Instagram, it’s not really the ideal place for someone like me who can’t get over what I want to say in a few words, and even though it’s one of my favourite social media platforms, it needs a little bit more in the way of wordage!

And when I thought about doing this blog, the name seemed ideal for me, because here, I’ll share little things: moments that happen during my day, pieces of information that I come across that I feel are worthy of sharing and anything else that springs to mind.

But just because my name is at the top of it, I don’t want it to be all about me, it’ll be about the community of people who take the time to read it and hopefully reply to what I’m waffling on about. I want the conversation to flow both ways.

I’m looking forward to seeing what you have to say. Along the way, I’ll be asking you for ideas – things we can talk about. I want the blog to be an ongoing conversation between myself and our little community.

After all, me just yabbering on and on isn’t going to be too compelling is it? The fact is, I spark off of other people as much as I come up with my own thoughts.

I have plenty of thoughts about different things I’d like to talk about, but you can be sure I’ll want your input. I’ll also want you to be letting me know different things you come across, that we can share with each other. I’ll be asking you for your participation.

For those that sign up to the weekly newsletter, I’ll be hunting around for stuff to give away in competitions – some may be new, some may be second-hand goodies that I come across that I may think worthy of raffling. But I’ll be keeping those for the people who are signed up. 

Don’t get me wrong, it won’t be every week, more likely. as and when.

There are going to be times when I ask you to use the hashtag #jmlt when you post something on social media that you think I may be interested in. I can then just search #jmlt and your posts will be easily findable.

I don’t do Twitter so that will be confined to Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for now.

I have lots of little ongoing ideas that we can come back to on a regular basis: some regular features of the blog if you like.

I’m hoping it’ll be informative and entertaining but never boring!

I can pretty much say that there’s going to be music, and TV/Movie trivia – at times there will be stories from my life, I’ll curate some of the things I’ve written about over the years on Facebook and bring it all under the one roof so to speak. I’ll cover lots of subjects I think are interesting and maybe the same for you.

Oh yes, and more than likely, you’ll hear the occasional rant  as well – after all, it wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t would it? However, as I said in the last blog, I doubt you’ll find me chatting politics or religion and I certainly won’t be debating either.

And so that’s where we are – I’m pretty much done with explaining what this blog is about – I think it will be ever-evolving (with your support).

All I can say I’m looking forward to seeing what’s going to emerge from this tiny brain of mine hahaha!

Don’t worry, I’m not giving up on Facebook – I’ll still be there. But I’m going to be paying more attention to this blog.

If you’re reading this and you haven’t signed up to the newsletter yet, I’ve included the link below so that you can.


  1. Stupid question but The hashtag jmit do I have to do it in red like yours or is black ok

  2. whatever coloour you like - sorry I'm late answering this, only just saw it.
