Saturday, 31 October 2020

Why I keep being drawn back to Facebook

 I just read a sentence in a book that was so true and made me realise why I like Facebook.

"Many friends travel with us only to the crossroads and then, whether the farewell be conscious or unconscious, we turn in different directions."
And it brought to mind so many people that I'd lost touch with for 20-30 years as we each went our own ways in life, only to cross paths again on here.
One of my favourite things on there is being able to follow the lives of my old friends and their families. To see how their lives move on, to read of their accomplishments, and sadly, sometimes their sorrows.
To be able to laugh with them at times and to be able to commiserate at others.
I know from personal experience of tough times, how the support that was shared on here from old and new friends has helped me dig deep on my reserves of strength to get through those times. I've been grateful for that so often,
It is to me, the best thing about Facebook. And why I'm still there.

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1 comment:

  1. When someone from my past reaches out to make contact, it can be exciting. And nowhere else is this bound to happen, which keeps me here. I just made contact with a fellow I chummed around with back in 1957. He now lives in France and found me on FaceBook. And we had a nice chat. And that is why I stay! Oh yes, keeping up with James Murphy is also another quite compelling reason. Cheers!....
