I was reading something earlier where this pretty late-teenage girl was asking whether people thought she was ugly. As she thought she was.
When will people learn that ugly isn't really about looks? Looks are superficial.
I've known some gorgeous looking girls whose whole demeanour made me want to stay as far away from them as possible.
And I've known some good looking men who look in the mirror and think they're wonderful and then treat people as though they're nothing compared to them.
Ugliness to me comes from the inside. It's the way you treat people. It's the way you think. It's what comes out of your mouth. It's the comments you make on social media.
But here's the thing, it works exactly the same in the other direction. You don't need to see what someone's looks are like to know if they are good people. You see it in their actions and their interactions.
I've said this before; when I see you, I don't see how good looking you are. I don't see what colour you are. Or your religion either.
What I see is whether you're a nice person or not. I notice whether you speak well of others, whether you're respectful of others. Whether you take advantage of people. I watch your actions.
I've noticed that my gut decides what kind of person you are very quickly. And it's usually right.
I see tons of hatred and wonder why you'd want to carry that around with you. I don't even hate the person who wronged me the most in my life. As far as I'm concerned, he's dead to me. I see him once in a while at some event, but I just spend time with people who I like and carry on as I would if he weren't there.
When I thought I was going to die almost 4 years ago, it brought to my mind that hatred isn't important. What's important aren't the things that you have, It's the people you care about.
And it's most certainly not about how good looking you are or not.
So to that girl who's worried about whether she's ugly or not, I say don't worry about it. Pay more attention to whether you have a good soul. To whether you are kind to people. To whether you're willing to help people who need it. And whether you care.
Because at the end of the day, who you are as a person will tell most of us whether you're ugly or not, not whether you have unblemished skin and the face of an angel.
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