Saturday, 31 October 2020
Why aren't the English proud to be English?
Why I keep being drawn back to Facebook
I just read a sentence in a book that was so true and made me realise why I like Facebook.
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Thursday, 29 October 2020
It's not about your looks...
I was reading something earlier where this pretty late-teenage girl was asking whether people thought she was ugly. As she thought she was.
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Wednesday, 28 October 2020
The Music of My Life #4
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Saturday, 24 October 2020
The trouble with oldies radio...
For I fear that the prolonged listening to songs of that ilk has turned me into a 40-year-old woman from the late 1960s!
How do I know this?
This morning, as I do most days, I was listening to an oldies station playing on my bedside radio. And I usually wait until they play a record that I don't particularly like to rouse me into getting up.
But this morning, I realised that I am becoming immune to the tunes that would get me moving.
The first sign of it this morning was when I told Debz I would be getting up soon. And as I waited for a song that would get me up, I found myself unexpectedly excited when a particular song that would normally have spurred me into decisive action, didn't. And I caught myself saying, "Ooh! It's Engelbert. I like this one!"
It was at that moment I knew I was in trouble. For I, like so many others have berated the aforesaid singer over the years for his schmaltzy songs especially as I could remember my Mum's swooning over his syrupy lyrics back in the days when I was just a young boy.
And today, I realised that prolonged listening to oldies of all kinds can result in you liking songs you used to berate.
And so I stand before you to warn you of such evil. I have to be very careful because now my big worry is that I'm going to start enjoying the work of Michael Buble!
I think in order to combat this threat, I'm going to have to put myself through an intense, Chuck Berry, Fats Domino, Ray Charles, Jackie Wilson and Eddie Cochran day to remind me that I am not, in fact, my mother from 1969, but a man, a real man!
Let this be a warning to you. If you listen to oldies for too long, it's entirely possible that you may acquire the taste for an honest to goodness, from the heart lyric!
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Thursday, 22 October 2020
They call it 'Popcorn'
However, in Belgium, they have their own subculture of music known as 'Popcorn'.
Like with 'Northern Soul, they play mostly, obscure American and British records, mainly 'Rhythm and Blues' songs with some 60s pop mixed in, but unlike a lot of Northern Soul, this genre is paced at a slower tempo.
Personally, I enjoy the genre more than I do 'Northern Soul' because of the pace of the songs they use.
I didn't know anything about 'Popcorn' until around 11 years ago when someone brought it to my attention. At first, I thought they were telling me about the old hit of the same name by Hot Butter, but they put me right on that front.
Over the years, I've come to know more of the songs that fit this genre and have added a lot to my collection.
However, it was only last year that I found this short film on the History of how this genre came to be and I think it's well worth watching.
And if that whets your appetite to check out more of the music, there's plenty of playlists on youtube - here's one to get you started.
Let me know what you think of it.
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A nostalgic 'Look at Life' in the 1960s
Back in the 1960s, when you went to the pictures you'd usually get two films for your money. The main picture would be supported with a shorter accompanying film.
And there was a series of films, that although I never really took much notice of them then, have become well-loved by me.
They were the 'Look at Life' films which detailed life in the 60s. When you see them now, they're a great social history document, and luckily, many of them have been uploaded to youtube.
Here's a link to a playlist of the films.
And here's an example programme from the collection.
We love these programmes. We hope you do too.
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Wednesday, 21 October 2020
BBC Nationwide segment on Amusement arcade machines
I had this link sent to me with an excerpt from BBC TVs 'Nationwide' programme from 1980.
It talked about video games and then went on to show some old fashioned arcade machines from before.
What was intriguing to me was that they featured three machines that my Dad had in our arcade back in the 1960s.
Click this link to watch the video from the BBCs Facebook page.
It certainly brought back some memories for me
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Monday, 19 October 2020
Music Of My Life #3
Do you remember when we used to get Elvis films on the telly at Christmas?
I used to look forward to them for days. I'd be sat in front of our old black and white telly with some sweets and a glass of cherryade,
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Friday, 16 October 2020
New technology 1960s style!
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Thursday, 15 October 2020
The Story of Tetris (and an intriguing story it is!)
Back in 1989 we bought the game Tetris for the arcade.
It didn't do as well as we'd hoped because I became hooked on it and kept playing it - which meant no-one else could.
It took me a while to work out why it wasn't doing as well as I thought it would (I can be a bit slow on the uptake).
Once I stopped playing on it and gave others the chance, it more than lived up to expectations!
It was a great game. What I didn't realise was the story behind it.
I watched this documentary about it today and have to say it was intriguing and is well worth a watch.
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Wednesday, 14 October 2020
Why you shouldn't worry that people tell lies about you.
It doesn’t matter that some people dislike you at the end of
the day. The problem is theirs, not yours. If people choose to believe lies
about you, that’s their problem, not yours.
I understand no-one likes being lied about. None of us does,
but you can’t stop that. There are always going to be people who for one reason
or another don’t like you.
It took me until I was in my late 30s to reach the point
where I had that ‘lightbulb’ moment.
A little bit of background. I was wronged and I lost a lot of
money through it, and it put me and my young family in a perilous position.
It took me around five or six years to recover from the
situation – 3-4 financially, but 5-6 mentally.
I was working outside on a cold day mulling over the events
that led up to what happened, and I was cussing and moaning to myself about the person who had been the cause of the situation, when all of a sudden, I
realised that, he may have been the cause, but I was the solution, not him.
While I seemed to spend all my days seething about it and
running it over and over in my head during the day, and night after night not
sleeping because of it, he was probably sleeping like a baby. Me beating myself
up had absolutely no effect on him.
It made me realise that I needed to draw a line in the sand and forget it and
move on as all it was doing was ruining my life. I was allowing myself to be
the victim and to stay one. I realised things would only change if I stopped beating
myself up over it day after day.
And just like that, I felt as though a weight was lifted off of my shoulders and
I was free to move on.
How does that apply to this situation? It was when I realised that I had the
choice of how I felt about any situation. I wasn’t in the wrong but I was
going through all the pain, over and over again. It dragged me down on a daily
It’s really only in your mind that you can keep dwelling
on it. And it's you who can stop taking notice of it and get on with your life caring about
the people in your life that matter.
The truth is that everyone sees us through different eyes.
No-one sees you the same way you do.
My Dad used to say ‘Those that mind, don’t matter and those that matter, don’t
I can go to bed each night knowing the truth about myself – I
know I haven’t tried to do anyone harm. I haven’t taken liberties with anyone.
I haven’t run down anyone’s reputation. And I’ve tried to do good. There’s
really not much more that I can say. I know who I am and I like me.
Whether others like me or not isn’t my problem.
People who tell lies about you are more likely than not,
envious or jealous of you for some reason. Otherwise, they wouldn’t tell lies
about you. And while they’re telling lies about you, it’s just wearing them
down. If you let it get to you, then they’ve got their desired outcome.
Try it. Start to think badly about someone – does it make you
feel better? Yes, you may get a second or two of comfort, but it won’t last.
I thought badly about someone for going on six years. It only
did harm to me. It didn’t change what had happened. But I did start moving on once
I stopped beating myself up every day, letting it affect me. Now, he doesn’t inhabit
my mind other than in passing. And when he does, I just move on.
Those that are telling lies about you know they’re lies.
Those that run you down aren’t feeling better for it deep down, not really. If
you let it get to you, then they’ve won, they’ve got what they wanted.
Negativity never makes you feel better. Worrying about their lies won’t make
you feel better.
If people choose to believe the lies, it doesn’t help the situation, but you, worrying about it won’t either.
I’ve never been one to take sides because someone else doesn’t
like someone.
I treat people the way I want to be treated. If someone else
has fallen out with a person, that’s their problem, not mine. As long as I get
on with that person, I’m not going to stop talking to them because someone else
has fallen out with them.
If I fell out with someone, that’s my problem, not yours. I
wouldn’t expect you to not talk to them.
There are always going to be envious and jealous people.
There are always going to be people who don’t like you.
Don’t worry about it. If you aren’t giving people reason to
dislike you, it really isn’t you that has the problem, it’s them.
Liars eventually get found out. Don’t let yourself feel bad
about it in the meantime, you’re better than that.
And the people who care about you already know that! And they're the one's who'll fight your corner.
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Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Struggles at school for a Showman's son...
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Living Big In A Tiny House
During the lockdown, I watched more television than I have for ages and I discovered programmes I've never seen before.
'Living Big In A Tiny House' intrigued me. Having spent a lot of my life in a trailer (caravan), I have intimate knowledge in a confined space of a tiny home, so when I came across this, I wanted to see what it's all about.
First of all, it's on YOUTUBE - luckily I have a Roku, so could watch it on the television.
The premise of it is that people who are sick of the rat race, can't afford the costs to live in a house or just want to live their lives in a different way, have built their own homes in a very small footprint.
What I found in them was that they came up with some ingenious solutions to the problems of living in such a confined area.
And I was surprised by the different kinds of people who took to this way of living.
The show is put together by a husband and wife team. She does all the filming, and he does the presenting. They also love in their own tiny home and their love of the subject matter shines through.
It's a very well produced show and usually runs for around 15-20 minutes to give you a taste of how their subjects live in their home.
I watched one episode and was hooked!
I found it was an interesting watch and I hope you will too.
Here's an episode to give you a taster.
If you can't see the video, click here
Let me know what you think of the show.
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The Music Of My Life #2
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Did Brian Jones drown or was he murdered?
They used to say that you’re either a Beatles fan or a Rolling Stones fan.
That’s true in my case. I’m most definitely in The Beatles camp.
But that never stopped me buying Rolling Stones records or reading books about
and by them.
I’ve read biographies about Mick Jagger and Keith Richards
and have found them intriguing.
I was only 8 when founder member of the group, Brian Jones
died, so didn’t really know much about him, but over the years, I’ve learned
more about his life.
He certainly appears to have been a tortured soul and one who
really lost his way to drugs. And the story of his death due to drowning in his
swimming pool didn’t surprise me.
Last night I saw a documentary, Rolling Stone: Life and death
of Brian Jones. It’s a documentary about the events in the life of Rolling
Stone legend Brian Jones that lead to his death.
It backed up my feeling that he was an unstable man but
hearing the stories of his upbringing and his father’s contempt for him, it
didn’t surprise me.
The fact that his parents kicked him out a few days before
Christmas in his teens reinforced, for me reasons why he went overboard.
However, there’s no doubt he was his own worst enemy.
But what I wasn’t expecting was how the story of his life
panned out. This documentary gave plenty of reasons to be able to assume that
his death wasn’t as it has been reported.
There’s enough evidence here to assume that the true story of
his death hasn’t been told. And it makes compelling viewing.
There’s a lot of events put forward in this documentary to
make you wonder whether his death really happened as reported at the time.
It certainly made us think differently.
If you’re a music fan in general, this is a really good
watch. And it’s worth taking the 90 minutes to see it. If you’re an Amazon
Prime viewer, it’s available on the platform as part of your subscription.
It’s also available on DVD.